Yalova International Ornamental Plants
7-11 April 2004
General Information Regarding the Fair
The fair will be held between the dates of 7-11 April 2004 in Yalova.
Several visitors will be brought to the fair from various regions of
Turkey and the countries to which indoor plant manufacturers of Turkey
are making exportation. The fair is to last for five days. During the
first three days, the fair will be open only to the professional visitors,
whereas on the last two days, the fair will also be open to public.
will be arranged regarding the issues of this sector both in the scope
of and concurrent to the fair.
Yalova International Indoor Plant Fair,
being the only organization in terms of sectorial quality in Turkey,
has been first realized last year in a very short time period and a
total of 15.403 visitors had visited this fair of which 51 visitors were
from Denmark, Bulgaria, Israel, Germany, Netherlands, India and USA;
2.841 visitors were from outside of Yalova, and 12.511 visitors were
from Yalova and neighbauring cities. The greatest interest for the fair
outside of Yalova was mainly from İstanbul, Bursa , Sakarya, Kocaeli
and İzmir. In the fair, a total of 64 companies have presented their
products and themselves. In this forthcoming fair organization to be
realized between the dates of 7-11 April 2004, we are expecting a participant
number of 150 coming from over 15 countries.
Supporters of the Fair:
This organization, which is realized together by Yalova Chamber of Trade
and Industry and Forza Fairs and Organization Services Inc., is also
supported by the base organizations of the indoor plants sector in Turkey
. The Cooperatives and associations are taking place at the fair both
themselves and together with their members and they are aiding in the
attraction of visitors.
The Products to be Presented at the Fair
Interior in door plants, exterior out door plants, chopped flowers,
seedling, bulb, plant feed, torf, perlit, fertilizer, seed, plant drugs,
greenhouse equipment, equipments using for serial manufacturing and mounting,
watering system, si pumps, cooling-heating aeration systems, hydroseeding,
packaging materials, generator, insecticide systems, agriculturing equipment,
illumination equipment, garden furniture, decoration materials, dead
plant, flowerpot, glass-ceramic, candle, celebration and condolence cards,
necessary materials required for flowiculture, landscape, kayraktaşı,
pomza, universities, research institutions, sectorial publications, insurance
companies, transportation firms.
Visiting Hours
The fair shall be open between 10.00 a.m. and 08.00 p.m.
No sales will be realized at the fair. However, retail sales area will
be created for the companies who are wishing to perform sales operations.
Participation Fee and Method of Payment
E stands: m² price |
60 US Dollars + VAT, |
D stands: m² price |
65 US Dollars + VAT, |
C stands: m² price |
70 US Dollars + VAT, |
B stands: m² price |
75 US Dollars + VAT, |
A stands: m² price |
80 US Dollars + VAT, |
Sales stands: m² price |
90 US Dollars + VAT, |
Open areas: m² price |
20 US Dollars + VAT. |
The smallest stand is 9 m². |
30% of the participation fee will be transferred following the signing
of the contract and the resulting amount will be transferred on the 10
th of April, 2004 . The Bank account numbers where the payments can be made:
- Akbank Ankara Meşrutiyet Branch 0046976-7 no. USD account
- Yapı
Kredi Bank Ankara Meşrutiyet Branch 3003253-2 no. USD account
Services Covered by the Participation Fee
The stand construction consists of the following: 1 table, 2 chairs,
1 trash bin, 1 ashtray, 1 spotlight for each 3 m², overhead writing,
general security (the stand security will be the under the responsibility
of the participant during the open hours of the fair), general cleaning
services (in-stand cleaning is under the responsibility of the participant),
“all risk” insurance, giving a 1-page information at the fair catalogue
regarding the firm, the promotion and advertisement of the fair via general
press and media and open air advertisements.
Extra Materials and Services
Every kind of services to be demanded (table, chair, shelf, display
cabinet, special compartment, telephone line, fax, refrigerator, hostess,
interpreter, handling and customs services, etc. for the foreign participant)
except from the goods and services covered by the participation fee shall
be provided against their cost.
Promotion Activities
The fair brochure shall be sent to all the flower and indoor plant manufacturers
and the producers providing material and service to this sector before
the fair, fair posters and hand-brochures will be handed out, fair invitations
will be sent to the related persons/organizations, billboards and cloth
posters shall be posted up at the important points in the city, advertisements
shall be given at the regional presses of the three most eminent newspapers,
announcement of the fair will be done by means of the radios and televisions
broadcasting in that area.
Fair Catalogue
The fair catalogue will be printed on 12x21 cm. size, glossy paper,
in color. The participant can give advertisements on this catalogue which
will be handed out to the related organizations and institutions and
sold to the visitors.
Advertisement Prices
Back Cover Color : |
1000 US Dollars + VAT |
In-Cover Color : |
500 US Dollars + VAT |
Inner Pages Color : |
250 US Dollars + VAT |
The advertisement films should be sent directly by the advertiser.
The framed advertisement films should be prepared in such a format that
they are 1 cm smaller that the page size.
Transportation/Travel and Accommodation
The transportation/travel and accommodation issues of the participators
coming from abroad and outside of Yalova will be organized by 3F Tourism
Travel Ltd. Co.
Shipping/Freight, Customs and Handling
Hitit Transit and Hitit Customs Consultancy company will help the firms
to participate at the fair regarding the shipment/freight, customs and
location services.
Contact Person: Engin Ahmet Saygı
Phone: + 90 (312) 482 65 63
Fax: + 90 (312) 482 65 43
e-mail: [email protected]
Deadline For Application
March 19 th , 2004 |