
3F Turizm Seyahat


29 September-7 October 2001
Hasan Suba�� Culture Park-ANTALYA
It was 7 years ago that we began our arts and culture voyage in our country, under the light of our wide international fairs and exhibitions experience. In order to be able to add new beauties to our country, a center of cultures and civilizations, we first organized in Ankara and then in Izmir "The International Arts and Hand-Crafts Fair" , and also still in Ankara, "The Book and Music Days" exhibition. Our next stop was Antalya. We were thus able to gather Asia, Europe, Africa and America continents together, by the help of the common language of Art.

You are therefore invited to re-form and share all the beauties, together with us, in the third "Arts, Hand-Crafts and Books Fair", which will take place within the scope of "Gold Orange Film Festival" thanks to the cooperation with Antalya Gold Orange Culture and Arts Foundation, to be held in Antalya, a city which always appreciates Arts and Artists, along with the support of the Major of Antalya Greater Municipality.

Visit Hours:

The fair will be open to visitors between 11.00 am-23.00 pm.

Fees of Participation and Payment Terms:
 Cost of exhibition stands is 1 m�  80 US Dollar+VAT
 Empty area for food selling 1 m�  100 US Dollar+VAT
 Area with stand for food selling 1 m�  125 US Dollar+VAT

The smallest stand is 6 m�. 30 % of the cost of the participation is collected at the signing of the contract, 40 % on 13 August 2001, and the remaining 30 % on 1 October 2001. The effective Currency Sales Rate of Turkish Central Bank on the payment date shall be taken as the basis in the payments.

Bank Accounts for payments:
� Garanti Bank Ankara Branch, TL Account No: 6299812, US $ Account No: 9099538,
� �� Bank, Ankara Me�rutiyet Branch, TL Account No: 541604, US $ Account No: 638737,

Services Included in the Fees:
The fee includes stand construction, 1 desk, 2 chairs, 2 shelves, 1 dustbin, 1 ashtray, 1 spot light for each 3 m�, signboard, general security measures (stand security in the open hours of the fair shall be provided by the participant), general cleaning services (in-stand cleaning shall be in the responsibility of the participant), "all-risks" insurance of each m� of the stands up to 10.000.000 TL, company information in the fair catalogs, advertisement of the fair in mass-media and via open-air means.

Additional Materials and Services:
All the services and materials required outside those provided by participation fee (telephone, fax, fridge, interpreter, stewardess, desk, chair, showrooms, special sections, shelves, handling and customs services for the companies participating from Abroad etc) shall be subject to separate payment.

Fair Catalog and Charges for Advertisements
The fair catalog shall be prepared at the size of 12x21 cm, the cover and ad pages shall be printed on glossy paper in color, and inside pages in first quality of paper in white and black, in both Turkish and English languages. Any desiring company, enterprise and participant may issue its advertisement in the catalog, which will be distributed all associated enterprises and organizations.

Advertisement Fees
Back Cover, Color : 500 US Dollar+VAT
Inside Back Cover, Color : 350 US Dollar+VAT
Inside Pages, Color : 250 US Dollar+VAT

Advertisement films to be published shall be provided by the advertiser. Films having frames must be prepared one cm smaller than the specified paper size, in all dimensions.

Sales Activities
Retail sales is allowed in the fair.

Travelling and Accommodation
Travelling and accommodation activities shall be organized by 3F Tourism Travel Ltd Co, which is a subsidiary of Forum Fair and Development Inc.

1. Plastic Arts
  • Pictures, graphics, photographs, caricatures,
  • Statues,
  • Ceramics,
  • Materials, tools and equipment used in plastic arts,
2. Hand-Crafts
  • All stone objects, formed by hand
  • All fired earthenware, glazed or unglazed,
  • All glassware, made by hand
  • All types of metallic products, including gold and silver,
  • All type of woodwork including wood carving, engraving, ornamental inlaying and so on,
  • Thread woven products including knitting, embroidery, patterning with paints etc.,
  • Traditional oven fabrics such as carpet, rugs, sumac etc,
  • Traditional fine arts such as handwriting, miniature, binding, marbling etc,
  • Jewelry-like articles made by hand, using minerals, clay, fibers, beads, stones etc (excluding real jewelry),
  • Bindings of leather products, Karag�z pictures, small accessories, etc.
  • Home decoration products,
  • Modeling,
  • All the equipment, tools and apparatus used for Hand-Crafts,
3. Official, private and volunteer organizations associated with plastics and hand works,
4. Publications related with the sector,
5. Books,
6. Cassettes, CD, post-cards,